My grandma lives in a small city located in the mountains of Bosnia, called Cajnice. During the conflict and breakup of Yugoslavia in the early 90s many historical buildings were destroyed. One of them was this old Mosque (Sinan-Begova Dzamija) next to my grandma’s house. I have only happy childhood memories of this place, because I use to play there often with the neighbour kids. As I came back for the first time after the war to visit my family, I was sad to witness that the mosque was no longer there. For many year the space remained empty and reminded me of the war and its consequences. Then a couple of years ago a donation was provided in order to rebuild the mosque after the original drawings and methods. The project is estimated to last around 4 years. This is an ongoing project, that I photograph every summer when I am visiting my family and friends in Cajnice. Pictures below are from 2017.